Error: "4PL order, can not be shipped by Amazon MCF"
Reason: Before Order creation, TikTok Shipping method is the preferred one, causing the 4PL error.
Resolution: Orders marked with 4PL error need to be fulfilled manually because TikTok Seller Shipping is not the correct configuration for the WebBee app.
1. Please navigate to TikTok Seller > Orders > Shipping Options
1.1. If "TikTok Shipping " is In Use
1.2 Proceed to TikTok Seller >Orders > Shipping Templates > Add New Template.
1.3 Once the Shipping Template is created please navigate to TikTok Seller > Orders> Shipping Options and click on Select for Seller Shipping.
2. If "Seller Shipping" is already In Use
(In this case all upcoming orders will automatically sync through the WebBee app to Amazon Seller Central. Pending 4PL error orders still need to be fulfilled manually.)