If you want to (map OR edit) additional fields between your BigCommerce store and NetSuite account to sync additional information, then our BigCommerce NetSuite Integrator's Fields Mapping page can help you out. Our integrator supports both Transaction, and Entity level mapping in terms of both the standard and custom fields.
Transaction Custom Fields Mapping:
Add NetSuite Custom Field:
If you want to configure a new transaction i.e. (Sales Order, Cash Sale, Invoice) custom field, so our integrator can sync a field's information from your BigCommerce store to your NetSuite account, click on the Add NetSuite Custom Field button. Post click, you will be seeing this below-displayed pop-up menu.

NetSuite Custom Field:
In this field, you must enter the internal ID of a NetSuite custom field that belongs OR you want it to hold a BigCommerce transaction value, once a transaction syncs to NetSuite. Note: This NetSuite custom field's internal ID will start with "cust_body___".
Value Type:
The BigCommerce NetSuite Integrator supports NetSuite's three types of fields i.e. Free-form text, List / Record, and Checkbox. Note: To check a NetSuite checkbox i.e. (custom transaction field), once a transaction syncs to NetSuite from your BigCommerce store, just enter the internal ID of a NetSuite custom field in the "NetSuite Custom Field", check the "Set your own value checkbox", and click on the Submit button.
Corresponding BigCommerce Value:
From, this drop-down menu, select a BigCommerce transaction field i.e. any of the field present in your entire sales order, whose value you want to sync to the above-mentioned "NetSuite Custom Field".
In the above-example, we are syncing the values of this "order shipText" BigCommerce sales order field to this "custbody_bigcommerce_total_amount" NetSuite custom transaction field.
Advanced options (click for more):
You can always use this menu to (map or sync) advanced level information such as JSON Key Name, Prefix, Postfix, Value Format, and Condition, between your BigCommerce store and NetSuite account.
Use Cases:
- If you are interested in syncing dynamic values from your BigCommerce store to your NetSuite account in terms of a custom transaction field, then always map between "NetSuite Custom Field", and "Corresponding BigCommerce Value" fields. Example: BigCommerce order ID to NetSuite's custom PO field.
- If you are interested in syncing some value right from your NetSuite account inside your NetSuite transaction, once our integrator syncs it from your BigCommerce store to your NetSuite account, then always map between "NetSuite Custom Field", and "Set your own value" checkbox. Example: NetSuite sales rep internal ID to NetSuite's custom Sales Rep field.
Transaction Standard Fields Mapping:
Add NetSuite Standard Field:
If you want to configure a new transaction (Sales Order, Cash Sale, Invoice) standard field, so our integrator can sync a field's information from your BigCommerce store to NetSuite account, click on the Add NetSuite Standard Field button. Post click, you will be seeing this below-displayed pop-up menu.
NetSuite Standard Field:
From, this drop-down menu, select a standard transaction NetSuite field at which you want to sync a BigCommerce transaction i.e. sales order value, once a transaction syncs to NetSuite. For example, let's say that you want to sync your BigCommerce order ID to your NetSuite PO standard field, then in the NetSuite Standard Field, select "PO", and in the "Corresponding BigCommerce Value" select, order id.
Corresponding BigCommerce Value::
From, this drop-down menu, select a BigCommerce transaction i.e. sales order field, whose value you want to sync to a standard transaction NetSuite field, once a transaction syncs to NetSuite.
Use Cases:
- If you are interested in syncing dynamic values from your BigCommerce store to your NetSuite account in terms of a standard transaction field, then always map between "NetSuite Standard Field", and "Corresponding BigCommerce Value" fields. Example: BigCommerce order ID to NetSuite's standard PO field.
- If you are interested in syncing some value right from your NetSuite account inside your NetSuite transaction, once our integrator syncs it from your BigCommerce store to your NetSuite account, then always map between "NetSuite Standard Field", and "Set your own value" checkbox. Example: NetSuite sales rep internal ID to NetSuite's standard Sales Rep field.
- To check a NetSuite checkbox i.e. (standard transaction field), once a transaction syncs to NetSuite from your BigCommerce store, just enter the internal ID of a NetSuite standard field in the "NetSuite Standard Field", check the "Set your own value checkbox", and click on the Submit button.
Note: Please make sure to hit the Submit button after (adding / updating) any changes.
Entity Custom Fields Mapping:
Add NetSuite Custom Field:
If you want to configure a new entity i.e. (customer, lead, vendor, internal rep, etc.) custom field, so our integrator can sync a field's information from your BigCommerce store to your NetSuite account, click on the Add NetSuite Custom Field button. Post click, you will be seeing this below-displayed pop-up menu.
NetSuite Custom Field:
In this field, you must enter the internal ID of a NetSuite custom field that belongs OR you want it to hold a BigCommerce customer value, once a transaction syncs to NetSuite. Note: This NetSuite custom field's internal ID will start with "cust_entity___".
Value Type:
The BigCommerce NetSuite Integrator supports NetSuite's three types of fields i.e. Free-form text, List / Record, and Checkbox. Note: To check a NetSuite checkbox i.e. (custom entity field), once a transaction syncs to NetSuite from your BigCommerce store, just enter the internal ID of a NetSuite custom field in the "NetSuite Custom Field", check the "Set your own value checkbox", and click on the Submit button.
Corresponding BigCommerce Value:
From, this drop-down menu, select a BigCommerce customer field i.e. any of the field present in your entire BigCommerce customer record, whose value you want to sync to the above-mentioned "NetSuite Custom Field".
In the above-example, we are syncing the values of this "Customer fullName" BigCommerce customer field to this "custentity123" NetSuite custom entity field.
Use Cases:
- If you are interested in syncing dynamic values from your BigCommerce store to your NetSuite account in terms of a custom entity field, then always map between "NetSuite Custom Field", and "Corresponding BigCommerce Value" fields. Example: BigCommerce customer name to NetSuite's custom customer name.
- If you are interested in syncing some value right from your NetSuite account inside your NetSuite customer record, once our integrator syncs a transaction from your BigCommerce store to your NetSuite account, then always map between "NetSuite Custom Field", and "Set your own value" checkbox. Example: NetSuite sales rep internal ID to NetSuite's custom Sales Rep field.
Entity Standard Fields Mapping:
Add NetSuite Standard Field:
If you want to configure a new entity i.e. (customer, lead, vendor, internal rep, etc.) standard field, so our integrator can sync a field's information from your BigCommerce store to NetSuite account, click on the Add NetSuite Standard Field button. Post click, you will be seeing this below-displayed pop-up menu.
NetSuite Standard Field:
From, this drop-down menu, select a standard entity NetSuite field at which you want to sync a BigCommerce's customer value, once a transaction syncs to NetSuite. For example, let's say that you want to sync your BigCommerce's "Customer companyName" to your NetSuite's "Company Name" standard field, then in the NetSuite Standard Field, select "Company Name", and in the "Corresponding BigCommerce Value" select, "Customer companyName".
Corresponding BigCommerce Value:
From, this drop-down menu, select a BigCommerce entity i.e. customer field, whose value you want to sync to a standard entity NetSuite field, once a transaction syncs to NetSuite.
Use Cases:
- If you are interested in syncing dynamic values from your BigCommerce store to your NetSuite account in terms of a standard entity field, then always map between "NetSuite Standard Field", and "Corresponding BigCommerce Value" fields. Example: BigCommerce customer name to NetSuite's standard customer name field.
- If you are interested in syncing some value right from your NetSuite account inside your NetSuite customer record, once our integrator syncs a transaction from your BigCommerce store to your NetSuite account, then always map between "NetSuite Standard Field", and "Set your own value" checkbox. Example: NetSuite sales rep internal ID to NetSuite's standard Sales Rep field.
- To check a NetSuite checkbox i.e. (standard entity field), once a transaction syncs to NetSuite from your BigCommerce store, just enter the internal ID of a NetSuite standard field in the "NetSuite Standard Field", check the "Set your own value checkbox", and click on the Submit button.
Note: Please make sure to hit the Submit button after (adding / updating) any changes.
In case, you have any questions OR suggestions, feel free to reach out to us at