Here you can find below options:
1. Today's orders
2. Last 7 days orders
3. Total Orders
4. Total unsync orders
here to know more about dashboard in detail.
4. Channels:
Here you can add a new eBay account if you click on "create a new user account"
You can turn on or turn off the sync toggles for orders, inventory, price or tracking as needed. To authenticate the account please click on edit and do the changes if required.
here to know more about this in detail.
5. Orders:
The merchant can find here the orders for an eBay account as per the date range selected or all orders.
In case there is a need to import past orders/ historical data too that also can be fetched here.
here to know more about this in detail.
6. Product Linking:
On this page, you will find following options for SKUs.
Account, ERP SKU, SKU, Status, Search, Import and Edit.
here to know more about this in detail.
7. Location Mapping:
Here you can map the inventory locations , so that inventory can get updated from Amazon MCF to eBay account.
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