Rejected by Amazon: Access to requested resource denied
The reason why this or similar orders got rejected by Amazon
This is an issue with FBA authorization.
How to fix this error:
To renew the Amazon authorization with our app follow the below steps.
(Please ensure prior that you are logged-in to your Amazon seller account as an admin user)
1. Click on Amazon MCF Marketplace settings under Configuration in our app.
2. Click on Add New Amazon Marketplace.
3. Add existing FBA marketplace again and click on connect. (If US is the existing FBA marketplace already, add US FBA. It may be a different FBA marketplace in your case.) This will take you to Amazon seller central page to authorize.
4. Once connected it will renew or re-authorize the connection automatically between Shopify store and Amazon seller via our app. Also, it will take you back/ re-direct to our app again.
Once done, try to re-submit to Amazon these orders again in our app.
This should be syncing successfully to FBA.
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