Error: Value DeliverySLAUnavailable for parameter is invalid. Reason: Delivery SLA is not available for destination address
The reason why this or similar orders got rejected by Amazon
Either the shipping address of this order is not correct OR the mapped Amazon shipping method is not supported by this shipping address. Example: Let's say that you have a "Priority" Shopify shipping method that is mapped with Amazon's Priority shipping method inside our app (you can learn about this mapping from
here), so in this case, the order will be rejected by Amazon because the shipping address of this order doesn't support Amazon's Expedited shipping method.
How to fix this error
Step 1:
Do a global search of this rejected order in your Shopify store, further check which Shopify shipping method does it have?
Step 2:
- Go to the Configuration Page, and Expand the App Settings
- Scroll down to this "Show Default Shopify shopping speeds relevant to order" setting, further click on the Configure button
- Now, find the Shopify shipping method from Step 1, and corresponding to it, (change / map) the existing Amazon shipping method to: Standard (if previously was mapped to Expedited), Expedited (if previously was mapped to Priority)
- Hit the Save button
Step 3:
- Go to the Order Log page
- In the Order ID field, enter the Order ID of this rejected order, and hit the Search button
- In the action tab, click on the Re-submit button
- Upon, successful re-submission, you will see the status of this order changed to Accepted by Amazon
Step 4:
- Go to the Configuration Page, and Expand the App Settings
- Scroll down to this "Show Default Shopify shopping speeds relevant to order" setting, further click on the Configure button
- Undo the mapping done in Step 2
- Hit the Save button