Prime Inventory via Amazon MCF by WebBee

Export Orders based on Prime Inventory via Amazon MCF by WebBee

There is a feature in our app that can export orders to Amazon FBA based on Prime Inventory: Available Inventory or based on Available along with Inbound Inventory.


1. Click on Configuration

2. Click on Amazon MCF marketplace settings

3. Click on "Show Additional Settings (Including Inventory Sync settings)

4. Now click on "Export Orders based on Prime Inventory"

So, with Prime inventory if:

1.  "Available inventory" is selected orders are exported to Amazon FBA based on available inventory, so orders are accepted by Amazon in our app 
if available inventory is more than zero. In case if there is no available inventory then orders would be rejected by Amazon.

2. "Available +Inbound inventory" is selected orders are exported to Amazon FBA based on both inventory/ stocks at FBA, so orders are accepted by Amazon
 in our app if inventory for both is more than zero. In case if there is no available inventory then orders would be rejected by Amazon.

This feature will ensure orders acceptance based on FBA available inventory or both along with inbound at seller.

Export Orders based on Prime Inventory via Amazon MCF by WebBee

In case, you have any questions / want some assistance, feel free to reach out to us at