How to map a BigCommerce shipping method with its respective NetSuite shipping method using BigCommerce NetSuite Integrator?

How to map a BigCommerce shipping method with its respective NetSuite shipping method using BigCommerce NetSuite Integrator?

Step 1:

Inside NetSuite, from the top navigation pane, please go to the Lists > Accounting > and click on the Shipping Items. Below is a screenshot to help you understand this visually.

Step 2:

COPY that shipping method internal ID which you want to map between your NetSuite account and the BigCommerce store. Below is a screenshot to help you understand this visually.

Step 3:

Inside the BigCommerce NetSuite Integrator, please go to the Configuration Page App Settings > and scroll-down to this "BigCommerce Shipping Speed:" setting, further click on the Configure button. Post-pop-up, enter these BigCommerce shipping method's corresponding NetSuite Internal IDs in the empty fields, and hit the Save button. Below are two screenshots to help you understand this visually.

Step 4:

Hit the Save button from the bottom of this App Settings section inside our BigCommerce NetSuite Integrator.

Congratulations, you have successfully mapped a BigCommerce shipping method with its respective NetSuite shipping method using the BigCommerce NetSuite Integrator.

In case, you have any questions OR suggestions, feel free to reach out to us at