Robust NetSuite Integrator: How to search order status under the Order Log page?

Robust NetSuite Integrator: How to search order status under the Order Log page?

If you are interested in reviewing a specific status order inside the Robust NetSuite Integrator, please follow the below-mentioned steps.
  1. Open your Shopify store, further, click on the Apps section
  2. Click on the Robust NetSuite Integrator icon to open the Integrator
  3. Using the top-navigation pane, click on the Order Log page
  4. Using the Order Status drop-down menu, select your preferred status whose orders you want to review, further, click on the Search button
Below is a screenshot to help you understand this visually. Here we are reviewing all our Rejected by NetSuite orders.

Congratulations, now you know how to search a specific status order inside the Robust NetSuite Integrator.

In case, you have any questions OR suggestions, feel free to reach out to us at