How to use NetSuite custom fields to link inventory levels from NetSuite to Shopify?

How to use NetSuite custom fields to link inventory levels from NetSuite to Shopify?

The inventory is always pulled from NetSuite to Shopify for all the locations that are mapped inside our integrator's Inventory location mapping for the items that are mapped under the Product Linking page.

The inventory is managed for all types of NetSuite items. We pick / sync inventory from NetSuite's Available Quantity field.

Case 1

In case, if all the items are assemblies which are not pre-built with which the quantity will be 0. So even if the items are mapped with the inventory item. It's going to look like it's out of stock. This is in the case where the "Assembly" items that get produced after they get ordered.


We have customized ways for inventory levels to show but based on an inventory available. We can pull inventory from custom field also with an option to map the inventory locations to custom field as per the screenshot below.

Case 2

Also, is there a way with Robust NetSuite Integrator to set the custom value where once inventory is below a specific amount to update the item to out of stock? Also, are we able to do that on individual items allowing us to set a different amount if needed? 


With this option, one can create a custom field on the item record in NetSuite with a negative value (acting as a buffer). Also we can map that custom field together with a location available quantity to be summed up and shown to Shopify.

In case, you have any questions OR suggestions, feel free to reach out to us at