Robust NetSuite Integrator: How to sync Shopify customer metafields to a NetSuite sales order?

Robust NetSuite Integrator: How to sync Shopify customer metafields to a NetSuite sales order?

If you are interested in syncing some of your Shopify order values including its metafields to your custom NetSuite fields in a conditional way, please follow the below-mentioned steps.

Shopify Order JSON

Before we move ahead to the mapping of a metafield, this section is all about making you understand how to review the JSON keys i.e., Shopify fields that are holding the values of a customer. Below is a screenshot of what an actual customer looks like in Shopify and how you can fine the metafields.

In the above screenshot, we have taken an example of this Shopify  Customer. To review the JSON key of this customer metafield, first click on the URL of this order, and at the end of it, type "/metafields.json, further, hit the enter button. Post clicking you will be seeing something like the screenshot below. In our example, we are interested in reviewing the JSON Key for the metafields of this Shopify customer.

Note: In majority of the cases, JSON Key will be similar to what you will be seeing in the section, but it would be good to review it before doing a mapping inside the integrator.

Taking an example where we have to transmit the values for for example
type: date

Below is the screenshot of a Transaction Custom Field Mapping inside the Robust NetSuite Integrator.

The condition can always be chosen as per your requirements. Below is a screenshot of all the available conditions.

Below is an explanation of the above field mapping:
  1. NetSuite Custom Field - This NetSuite custom field will be populating the value of this Date Type internal ID 2 NetSuite field. In our case this internal ID belongs to "POS".
  2. Value Types - This above NetSuite custom field is a Date type.
  3. JSON Key Name - Shopify's Customer source name field.
  4. Condition - Fill this above NetSuite custom field, as the field is set always.
In case, you have any questions OR suggestions, feel free to reach out to us at