If you are interested in learning all the bits of placing a test order using your Shopify store, further, sync it to your Amazon Seller Central using the Amazon MCF app by WebBee, please follow the below-mentioned steps.
Steps to place a test order using your Shopify store
Step 1
Open your Shopify store, and go to the Orders section using the left-navigation pane.
Steps to place a test order using your Shopify store.
Step 2
Once your orders section is open, click on the Green button to create a test order.
Dashboard for order testing.
Step 3
Now go forward to browse the product you want to add to your test order. Make sure that the item is mapped inside our application on the
Product Linking page,
click here to learn all the details on the SKUs mapping. Add the customer details, along with the shipping details.
Mapping of item in the product linking page.
Step 4
Now enter your preferred shipping address (as per your added FBA Marketplaces in our app) along with a billing address (not mandatory) where this order should be shipped.
Step 5
Next step is to collect a payment, and to do that click on the Collect Payment drop-down, further select Mark as a Paid option. Once done, just click on the Create Order button to create it.
Step 6
Once an order gets created, it will be imported inside our application instantly and will be synced to Amazon in real-time OR as configured inside the application. You can learn more about our Order Sync from
here. If everything is configured correctly, this test order will display
Accepted by Amazon else, you can learn about some common Amazon FBA errors from
How to View an Order on Amazon
Now, that your test order has been synced to your Amazon Seller Central account. Within the Order Log page itself, we give you shortcuts to View an order right inside your Shopify store OR on your Amazon Seller Central account. If you will click on the View on Amazon button, you will be redirected to the corresponding order inside your Amazon seller Central account.
Step 2
And, as soon as you click on the View on Amazon tab, our app will redirect you to your Amazon seller Central account, further open the same order.
How to Cancel an Order on Amazon
When a situation comes that an order needs to be canceled inside your Shopify store as well as inside your Amazon Seller Central account. We always need to make sure that this Auto Sync Cancel Order From Shopify To Amazon FBA toggle is enabled which is under the Configuration Page > Marketplace Settings tab. Make sure to Click the Save button after enabling the functionality.
Step 2
To cancel a Shopify order, open your desired order using the Orders section of your Shopify store OR the top search bar. Once, your desired order is open, just click on the More actions drop-down menu, further click on the Cancel Order link. Now, this will cancel this Shopify order.
With this, considering the auto-cancellation toggle (Step 1) is enabled, our app will also cancel the same order inside your Amazon Seller Central account.