How to review every single fulfillment fee Amazon FBA charges to your order?

How to review every single fulfillment fee Amazon FBA charges to your order?

If you are interested in reviewing the fees Amazon charges for every single fulfillment it does through its FBA division, this is the feature comes under Plus plan and Enterprsie Plan you should opt for.

How to opt for this feature?

You can opt for this feature using the Plans Page of the app to select any of above plans.

Once subscribed, you will be able to see a new column i.e. Amazon Fee under the Order Log page of the app. This fee is the exact amount Amazon FBA charged you to fulfill an order. Below is a screenshot to help you understand this visually.

Note: We would only be able to see the fees of your last six months orders.

The purpose of this add-on is to make our customers track the amount Amazon FBA is putting per order. You can also see the total fees you have paid to Amazon FBA in the past 30 days using the Dashboard page of the app. Below is a screenshot to help you understand this visually.

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